Blogs That Were Not Meant to Be

Let’s face it, I’m not the most consistent blogger.

Maybe I was when I first started this site but as the story goes, life took over and I gradually stopped finding time to sit down and write down my thoughts. You see, I’m a perfectionist, so writing a blog means setting aside 2/3 undisturbed hours to churn out 1000 coherent words.

I was looking through my drafts today and felt a twang of guilt for all the posts that never made it further than a few sentences or even a title. There’s 10 of them in total and they’re either not relevant anymore or I just can’t remember the story tied to them, but I figure I could use this blog to give them one last breath of life until they’re eternally trashed.

So, without further ado, here are some blogs that never came to fruition:

1. Australia’s Household Pest

This post didn’t progress further than a title but I drafted it in the Summer of 2016 so I’m assuming I was talking about ants or flies? We’ll never know.

2. The Psychology of a Like

“Talk about the pressure of getting likes on FB/Insta”

A sentence was as far as this blog went at the start of 2016 but I remember it being something I really wanted to talk about. It was just after I had spent a Summer working in social media and wanted to talk about why people were so obsessed with vanity metrics. However, it was such a big topic to tackle that I never really sat down to pour out my feelings on paper and now there’s thousands of articles out about it. Maybe I’ll gather my thoughts one day…

3. Untitled

“How fucking ridiculous –”

I came across this article in Feb 2016 and it made me so mad that I just had to write a post about it. Even reading it now angers me, no woman should have to act or dress a certain way to avoid being raped. It’s not on us to protect ourselves, it’s on men to JUST. NOT. RAPE. Anyway, I’m not going to get into it now but seeing as how I drafted that post at 2:45am in the morning I’m assuming I just fell asleep out of sheer frustration.

4. Makeup Post

“My mum is beautiful. At least that’s what our local butcher tells her on our weekly visits.”

Ah yes, just a month after the last draft, this was going to be a post around the pressure on women to wear make up. Again, another big topic to tackle. I’m pretty sure the butcher still flirts with my mum on the weekends #gomum.

5. Back to Square One

“Internship – week 1Tuesday:

Super nervous, sat in lobby waiting for Sam. Was met by Sam who was so casual and chill, was shown to my own desk. Watched internal video filming (met Jess and Julian). Was invited out for lunch by 2 ladies. Worked on BMW MINI David Flack vscocam editing.


Helped find influencers. Met Georgie, Mary. Ellen sent me the digital process, and got me my own Mac. Lunch with Georgie (apparently I made a really good impression). Sat in on Priceline debrief meeting for ‘May Beautiful’ campaign, ‘best industry meeting’ quote from me which Lena knows me by. Rosé wine at 5, OC talk. Filmed L plate interview. Plan to come in Friday 1-6pm (ditching pop music lecture)

(Mum told me to watch the intern this evening, no time but it is a must)


Came from uni, worked on vcsocam editing, got my own access card, phone, email and personal computer account set up. Drinks cart and sushi. Lady in the elevator home complimented me on my skirt :3″

Aw, my first week interning at Ogilvy, how cute. This is another post I wish I’d finished because those first few weeks at a new workplace are so important and can really mould your whole experience during your time there. I started this one in March 2016 and interned for 6 months before I scored a proper role there which I wrote about here.  

6. An Act a Day

“Helping people warms my heart. From random acts of kindness to helping Sonia with her piano homework to picking up a pen for a random who accidentally dropped it; I love it all.

That’s why I want to share some recent act of kindness I’ve performed/received:- Olimpa on the train, wanted a Mac, helped her find the right model
PS. Shoutout to the random guy on the bus today who yelled out that I’d left my purse behind when I got off. PLUS an even bigger shoutout to Tyler who noticed that I’d dropped my phone on the floor and forgot to pick it up after today’s lecture (phone > purse #priorities)”

Random acts of kindness are still a big thing for me. I even started a tumblr blog about them in April 2016 #solegit. I think I only made 3 posts on there too whoops. 

7. Is Uni Really Necessary?

“You know what I don’t get? Why people struggle through 3/4 year uni courses that they hate. I mean, it’s your money, time effort and ultimately, life. Why would you waste 3 years of it doing something that you dread waking up to each morning?Call me naive, but I believe that you should always do what you love. Unhappy with your course? Transfer. Unhappy with your job? Quit. Of course there are many factors that determine why a person may be unhappy with their current situation, but surely you won’t find happiness in a course you absolutely despise?^ I started writing this blog post 5 months ago before uni even started for the year, and now I have the urge to keep adding to it so here goes:

It’s now week 8 of uni and we’re getting down to the nitty gritty.”

Yep, I still agree that uni isn’t the be-all, end-all for everyone after highschool. Some people just aren’t suited to that education style and others don’t even need a degree to excel in their chosen career. If there’s anything my internships taught me, it’s that learning on the job is just as, if not more, important than a formal education.

8. The Ultimate Study Sesh

“Today I was meant to study. I got up at 8:30am and helped mum get Sonia ready for school. I ate a wholesome breakfast and even made my bed. But then I decided to finish watching the last 10 minutes of Lifestyle’s hit drama ‘Unreal’ and that’s when my study plans went to shit.Fast forward 6 hours later and I just finished watching the season finale of the first season. Don’t ask me why or how, but over the course of this morning/afternoon I completely fell down the reality TV rabbit hole and got sucked into the addictive drama of the show’s unpredictable world. It offered me an escape from the mundane readings and tasks inflicted upon me by my university tutors and gave me the opportunity to catch a glimpse into the ridiculous world of reality television.

Of course, I know that ‘Unreal’ exaggerates a lot of scenarios and pushes the boundaries of what can even be shown on national TV, but it still really interests me. I mean, when else would I be able to actually see some of the scandalous things that go on behind the scenes and feel like I’m sitting alongside the executive producer and the crew as they film each episode? It’s almost like I’m ghosting a film.

Ah yes, I have my Television Popular Culture class to thank for this post. I still can’t believe that one of my assignments was to literally spend hours watching reality TV that I actually enjoyed… wow, incredible. 

9. Untitled

“It feels like yonks since I’ve last posted, and man oh man has life changed. I worked full time at Ogilvy over the summer, almost died trying to touch glow worms in New Zealand and somehow managed to bludge my way through 8 weeks of Uni. I got another tattoo, and nabbed a spot on the New York study tour these Winter holidays, all while binge-watching a plethora of new shows and movies.”

I started writing this blog in March 2017 and I really wish I’d finished it because so much happened over that Summer. My next blog wasn’t until after I returned from my study tour in July so I guess that semester will remain a mystery outside the fragmented memories in my brain.

10. Tattoo Removal at 21

What a great draft to end on, a mere title yet again. This is also a post that I’m saving for sometime this year or next when the process is finally finished…. almost 2 years and counting RIP.

And that’s it! It kinda felt liberating to send each draft to the trash when I was done writing about them. Here’s to a new decade with more posts and less drafts!

Adios Amigos *insert trash emoji*